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Saturday, 21 September 2013


Optimize Blogger Post Titles For Better Seo

Blogger Post Title Optimizition helps you to get better search engine results. This post will help you to optimize your blogspot blogs post title for better SEO results. Default titles of Blogger Post pages are of the form Blog Title + Post Title. The Search results use these titles. So it is always better to keep your title more related to your post content.
Here is a hack that will change the title to the following attractive format Post Title + Blog Title. This trick will help you to optimize the blog title for search Engines like Google,Yahoo,Bing and Others. Using this Hack i assure you that there will be an increase in your blog visitors definitely.

Process Of Blogspot Blog Title Optimization:

  • Login to your blogger account
  • From your Dashboard go to Templates from More Options
  • Now choose Edit Html 
  • You will see your template code there
  • In that template code find this one line code.

  • Now replace it with the following code. 
  • Now click Save Template.
  • You are Done!! After saving the template take a look at your blog post pages. Now the individual page will have Optimized post title itself. 


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Author: Jahangir Shah
Jahangir Shah is a Young addicted Blogger who is founder of MyTrickyWorld4u. He is 18 years old and living in Pakistan, Sindh, Hyderabad. Currently, He is studying in 11th grade and running his site. He loves to share his Blogger resources And Computer,Internet Tips And Tricks, making money online and helping newbies in the Blogging world.... Read More →