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Sunday, 8 September 2013


Control your Mouse using your Keyboard

If your mouse is not working and you don't wish till you get a new mouse, you would definitely like to know how you can use your keyboard as your mouse. It is easy to use your mouse as keyboard in windows using the on screen keyboard utility, but it is also possible to do the reverse,

Windows Xp Users:-

1.Go to Control Panel.
2.Then Click On Switch to classic view.
3.Then Click On Accessibility Options.
4.Then Click On The Mouse Tab.
5.Select Use MouseKeys.
6.Click On Ok.
7.Then Active Numberlock (by pressing the NumLock).
8.You Should hear a beep sound.
9.Now you can control the mouse pointer using the arrow keys on the numeric keypad.


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Author: Jahangir Shah
Jahangir Shah is a Young addicted Blogger who is founder of MyTrickyWorld4u. He is 18 years old and living in Pakistan, Sindh, Hyderabad. Currently, He is studying in 11th grade and running his site. He loves to share his Blogger resources And Computer,Internet Tips And Tricks, making money online and helping newbies in the Blogging world.... Read More →